Questions to Ask a Potential Home Care Agency when Your Loved One Needs Additional Care
Is you mom having trouble getting showered and dressed in the mornings? Does your dad struggle making himself food? Is your loved one struggling to keep [...]
Ever since we were children, we were constantly reminded to brush our teeth. As annoying as the reminder was, the action of brushing your teeth is [...]
Don’t Cry, Let’s Examine Seniors and Spring Allergies
Spring has finally arrived, the temperatures start to get warmer, the days start getting longer and the trees and flowers start to bloom. All of the [...]
Colorectal Cancer Month – Let’s Get to the Bottom of It
Colorectal cancer, or CRC, is a disease of the colon or rectum, which are parts of the digestive system. Unlike most cancers, colorectal cancer is often [...]
New Study Can Help Identify Dementia Nine Years Before Typical Diagnosis
Findings posted in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association indicate that there are signs of these diseases that can been seen up to [...]
The CB Home Care family has spent the month of February educating seniors and their caretakers on the importance of heart health, and ways to enhance [...]